Cynaps Technologies was founded in 1989 . The company has two main divisions
- , Product Design and manufacture division, and the Services division. The Services division provides project management, installation, on site support,
training and repair , for all of the products designed and supplied by Cynaps.
Cynaps initially focussed on the South African market where we have forged strong relationship with blue chip clients over the past 25 years. Due to the nature
of our business we tend to keep below the radar and work closely with our clients to provide appropriate solutions for their business requirements as they arise.
"This has been the bedrock of our success and allowed us to move into different business segments and always offer a professional , value based service that has stood the test of time over the last 30 years"
Every team member is encouraged and supported in increasing their skill set which results in offering better and faster solutions for our customers.
Everything we do is documented to ensure business continuity as team members come and go over time
Team members operate independently and are encouraged to take measured risks and make mistakes - as long as we all learn from these and don't repeat them.
We minimize bureaucracy and maximize execution speed .
We stay abreast of technology developments but don't take any products to market until they have been field tested for at least 12 months.
We don't add markup if we don't add value - basically we don't rip off our customers.
We don't say " I am waiting for ... " but focus on expediting any issue.
We focus on partnerships with customers who have the ability to pay for our input and work with them to add value to their business or improve and optimize their operations.
Our legacy product is the Shepherd System ™ which is a fully integrated system supporting access control, point monitoring and CCTV on a common user
interface.A typical deployment is multi site with over 1000 readers per facility doing in excess of 2 Million accesses per month.
Our new product The CYIPR system takes all the domain expertise of the Shepherd system and encapsulates this into a single edge device located on the secure side of the portal. The CYIPR devices
connect to a hosted server and all user interaction is via secured web based interfaces. The CYIPR is scaleable from 1 to over 100,000 units and can be installed by any IT person.